Edible City
Urban vegetation for all
In Germany, the City of Andernach was a front runner "Edible City" with their garden project started in 2010, but in the meantime the idea has
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Energy Saving Campaign in Schools
Motivating youth to save electricity
This project aims to promote energy savings in schools. The students are learning actively and applying ways to reduce their resource
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Free Store
Bring and take things for free
In a free store, items can be handed in that you no longer need yourself, but which can still be of use to others. In addition, things that
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Green Mapping
Citizens explore and share "green aspects"
The making of the original Green Map in New York City was inspired by the United Nations Earth Summit in 1992. The purpose was
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Green Tourism
Making the green areas near municipalities accessible in sustainable ways
Green or sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that focuses on minimizing the impact on the
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Local Currency
A local currency is a form of currency that is used in a specific geographic area or community, typically as an alternative to national currency. The purpose is to promote local economic
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Local Food Council
Coalition for development and implementation of food strategy
A food council is a group of individuals or organizations that come together to discuss and address issues
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Participatory Budget
Citizens decide how the local budget is spent
Participatory budgeting is a democratic process that allows citizens to have a say in how public funds are spent. It
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Rainwater Harvesting
Collecting rainwater from rooftops
Installation of simple systems to harvest and store rainwater from the roof on a household level. The water can be used for irrigation.
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Regional Food Challenge
One month with only regional food
The regional food challenge aims to motivate participants to base their daily meals on regional grown food only. This competition
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Regions in Transition
Community based solutions
Think globally - act locally. That is the idea behind the project "Regions in transition". During a guided process, the citzens in a region come
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River Ranger
Motivating youth for nature protection
The Würm Rangers (Würm is a river in Germany) are the Children, Youth and Adults who are dedicated to take care of the Würm, a river in Munich.
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Solidary Restaurant
Food from the community for the community
Fair, regional and sustainable - that's what this restaurant is all about, too. The daily changing menu (vegan or vegetarian) is
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Tree Patrons
Irrigating public trees during dry season
Trees on the city streets are vulnerable to droughts in hot summers, and the ground near the tree may be compacted by cars,
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Urban Bee Keeping
Support open pollination
More than 80% of crops and flowering plants in Europe depend directly on bees for their pollination. Without bees, we risk losing significantly
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Walking Bus
Safe way to school for young children
The Walking Bus is designed to encourage people from a specific demographic in the community to walk together to a centralised
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Water Explorer
Motivating youth for water protection
Water Explorer is a fun, inspiring and multilingual programme that invites young people aged 8-14 years to team up with their classmates, in year
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City map of barrierfrei locations (for wheelchairs, shoppers, strollers)
Wheelmap is an international organisation that provides an online map of barrier free and
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Yellow Ribbon Fruit Trees
Free fruits for all
Youth Council
Young councillors with speaking rights
A youth council is a group of young people who come together to discuss and work on issues that affect their communities. These