Green Cities of YOUth

Increasing the role of young people in the development of sustainable cities





  • Building Insect Hotels

    Provide shelter and protect from predators

    Many wild bee species are threatened with extinction today due to industrial agriculture and destruction of natural habitats.

  • Clean-Up

    Joint collection of trash

    A clean-up day is an organized event in which volunteers gather to clean up and beautify a public space, such as a park, beach, river, or

  • Community Garden

    Intercultural Garden/ Intergenerational Garden


  • Edible City

    Urban vegetation for all

    In Germany, the City of Andernach was a front runner "Edible City" with their garden project started in 2010, but in the meantime the idea has

  • Green Tourism

    Making the green areas near municipalities accessible in sustainable ways

    Green or sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that focuses on minimizing the impact on the

  • Mobile Tree Alley

    Mobile trees on the street

    Where streets are grey with concrete, and quickly heating up in summers, Mobile Tree Alleys can be a good solution to provide green and shade, to filter dust

  • Nature Science Week for School Children

    Scientific and technical education for kids

    Children are taken for a week to nature where the learning is done through innate learning motivation of Children. The basic

  • Rainwater Harvesting

    Collecting rainwater from rooftops

    Installation of simple systems to harvest and store rainwater from the roof on a household level. The water can be used for irrigation.

  • River Ranger

    Motivating youth for nature protection

    The Würm Rangers (Würm is a river in Germany) are the Children, Youth and Adults who are dedicated to take care of the Würm, a river in Munich.

  • Seed Swap

    Share seeds from heirloom plants

    Many crops are nowadays threatened with extinction or have already disappeared. At the same time old seeds are often much better adapted

  • Tree Patrons

    Irrigating public trees during dry season

    Trees on the city streets are vulnerable to droughts in hot summers, and the ground near the tree may be compacted by cars,

  • Tree Planting

    Reforestation and promotion of biodiversity

    Reforestation as the process of planting trees in an area where forest once existed but was removed or destroyed.

  • Urban Bee Keeping

    Support open pollination

    More than 80% of crops and flowering plants in Europe depend directly on bees for their pollination. Without bees, we risk losing significantly

  • Yellow Ribbon Fruit Trees

    Free fruits for all
