Green Cities of YOUth

Increasing the role of young people in the development of sustainable cities





  • Participatory Budget

    Citizens decide how the local budget is spent

    Participatory budgeting is a democratic process that allows citizens to have a say in how public funds are spent. It

  • Plastic Free Challenge

    One month without plastic

    Plastic Free Challenge is a playful competition to become aware of the amount of single-use plastics in our everyday life and to find respective

  • Rainwater Harvesting

    Collecting rainwater from rooftops

    Installation of simple systems to harvest and store rainwater from the roof on a household level. The water can be used for irrigation.

  • Reclaim The Streets

    Pop-up parties in public space

    "Reclaim the streets" is a slogan and movement that originated in the United Kingdom in the 1990s. The movement advocates for the use of

  • Regional Food Challenge

    One month with only regional food

    The regional food challenge aims to motivate participants to base their daily meals on regional grown food only. This competition

  • Regions in Transition

    Community based solutions

    Think globally - act locally. That is the idea behind the project "Regions in transition". During a guided process, the citzens in a region come

  • Repair Café

    Repair instead of throwing away

    Repair Cafés (already over 2,200 worldwide) are openly accessible community places and they’re all about repairing things (together).

  • Seed Swap

    Share seeds from heirloom plants

    Many crops are nowadays threatened with extinction or have already disappeared. At the same time old seeds are often much better adapted

  • Solidary Restaurant

    Food from the community for the community

    Fair, regional and sustainable - that's what this restaurant is all about, too. The daily changing menu (vegan or vegetarian) is

  • Tree Patrons

    Irrigating public trees during dry season

    Trees on the city streets are vulnerable to droughts in hot summers, and the ground near the tree may be compacted by cars,

  • Tree Planting

    Reforestation and promotion of biodiversity

    Reforestation as the process of planting trees in an area where forest once existed but was removed or destroyed.

  • Urban Bee Keeping

    Support open pollination

    More than 80% of crops and flowering plants in Europe depend directly on bees for their pollination. Without bees, we risk losing significantly

  • Wheelmap

    City map of barrierfrei locations (for wheelchairs, shoppers, strollers)

    Wheelmap is an international organisation that provides an online map of barrier free and

  • Yellow Ribbon Fruit Trees

    Free fruits for all


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